Friday, February 1, 2013

Greeting Cards - A Subtle Classical Reconnection Tool for Your Relationships

Greeting Cards

Greeting Cards

Greeting Cards

Greeting Cards

Greeting Cards

Contemporary life is moving at a dizzying pace and if you have not noticed it, this is slowly affecting your emotional connection with loved ones. Hitherto popular family gatherings and other social events have been put in the back burner and with the advent of email and other social networks, most relationships are weakening every waking day.

While modern communication tools are way better than what used to exist, you will concur that greeting cards still have an instrumental place in enhancing relationships and strengthening these bonds. They are a classical and ever functional tool that can help you instantly connect with family irrespective of location. If you think the days of the greeting card are gone, then you need to explore the adventurous delight that a simple card can bring into your relationships.

Exploring the Power of a Greeting Card

There is no denying that modern technology has given us marvelous communication options in e-mails, instant messengers, Facebook messages among others. However, a greeting card creates an instant bond and definitely brightens your day. If you receive a seasonal greetings e-mail from a friend or relative, this will not carry much emotional value but if you stumble upon a card during the holidays from a relative who you last saw a decade ago, a nostalgic feeling sweeps over you and this throwback effects helps you to look anew at your relationship with family and friends.

According to the Greeting Card Association (GCA), the tradition of sending greeting cards goes back to the 15th century among the Egyptians and later the Chinese. When you send out personalized greeting message, you will not only be borrowing from this rich heritage but also helping to resuscitate your family or friendship bond. Furthermore, the fact that someone has taken time out of their busy schedule to pick a card and write a personal message definitely indicates they care and this applies too when you send such a card to another person.

Greeting Cards

Greeting Cards

Greeting Cards

Greeting Cards

Greeting Cards

Greeting Cards

Greeting Cards

Greeting Cards

Greeting Cards

Greeting Cards

Greeting Cards

Greeting Cards

Greeting Cards

Greeting Cards

Greeting Cards

Greeting Cards

Greeting Cards

Greeting Cards

Versatility of a Greeting Card

When it comes to tools such as e-mails, it is a bit difficult to be creative. However, with greeting cards you have a chance to go all the way in terms of graphics, designs and you can easily pick a theme based on a recipient’s favorite hobby, sport, team or even movie. Additionally, these cards apply for different times of the year and hence, whether it is a birthday, seasonal greetings, business greetings or any other function, you have an opportunity to play around with the design and pick something which will bedazzle your recipient.

In essence, a simple card can help you communicate across generations, gender or even cultural gaps through a simple message. These cards are also important keep sakes and if you look at your childhood items, you will most likely come across a card or two and it will still arouse nostalgic emotions.

So, have you been feeling alienated from your family, friends, classmates, or even your colleagues? Then it is time to reconnect and the best way is by using an innovative tool best epitomized in greeting cards. Not only will you help preserve memories of connection with people close to you, but also help boost their well-being emotionally in a very cost-effective manner. So, get online and connect with a dependable designer and start reconnecting by showing someone that you care.

Greeting Cards

Greeting Cards

Greeting Cards

Greeting Cards

Greeting Cards

Greeting Cards

Greeting Cards

Greeting Cards

Greeting Cards

Greeting Cards

Greeting Cards

Greeting Cards

Greeting Cards

Greeting Cards


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